What is the carbon footprint of your EV, really?
Electric Vehicles are an attractive option for the environmentally conscious commuter chiefly due to their lack of
exhaust pipe. But do EVs have a secret carbon footprint that is hidden away from us? The short answer is yes, but they
are still largely better in this regard than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. If you are considering
buying an EV with carbon emissions as your primary concern, going electric is probably your best choice, but there are
cases when a hybrid may actually be better (for now)!
Using an LED as a Photodiode
An LED is a device which takes in electricity and emits light. Some electronic components work in reverse: a speaker can
be used as a microphone and a motor can be used as a generator. It is reasonable to ask then, “can we shine light on an
LED to produce electricity?” The answer is a surprising yes! LEDs can be made to work as photovoltaics 1, but the reason
you don’t see this in practice is that they are really bad photovoltaics. Still, we are able to use this effect in
practice, and this trick could even save the hobbyist from having to buy more specialized components.
An Extension of a Probability Puzzle
Alternative Definitions of the Derivative
I claim that the three following definitions of the derivative are equivalent:
Embedding a Python Application in uWSGI
Detecting Power Outages

Writing a Simple Notcurses Program
Notcurses is a modern TUI library written by Nick
Black (who you may see around the net as dankamongmen or some equally
dank designation). As Dank himself will tell you, the older ncurses library is beautifully
documented, rigorously tested, and very well supported. It is, however, quite old tracing its
history back to at least 1982, and as such lacks some modern features such as thread-safety. I had
been using the venerable ncurses for my fireplace program -
a use case that it was never designed to handle. Overall ncurses does a good job, but there is
occasional tearing and artifacts. Notcurses solved all the graphical glitches beautifully, and
performance was noticeably improved. The problem is that just about the only other person using
notcurses is Nick Black himself, and while his documentation is extensive, it is mostly source code
snippets with few examples. Hopefully this article will provide a nice jumping-off point for the
absolute beginner.
Strange Spells
Since the beginning of time, man has desired power greater than he possesses alone, power greater
still than that of his enemies, and - perhaps for some - power far surpassing that of his neighbor.
To this end, the practice of magic is long and storied. Many practitioners kept their arts a secret
and their knowledge is lost. Some published grimoires to spread their wisdom (or from a more
cynical point of view, to make a quick buck) and because of their generosity (or greed) we are able
to examine the magical practices of old. What can be found is surprising not in its grandeur and
mystery, but in oddity and sometimes downright silliness.
On Substitution Ciphers