
Software I've written and things that I've built.

Getting Glitchy

Computers are these machines that we have engineered to be totally deterministic. No matter how many times a computer is provided with with some input, it should always give the same output. This is why glitch art is so fascinating - it happens when computers dont work the way they are supposed to. Of course computers crap out all the time, but that is usually due to poor programming for end-user applications. Actual data corruption is much rarer, and can both wreak havoc and be utterly entrancing.

Let it Grow!

This page was once for watching a single basil plant; now, it is monitoring my new indoor gardening setup. The eventual goal is to automate as much as possible, with novel soil moisture detection, water recycling, automatic fertilization, and perhaps some image recognition AI to judge overall plant health. For now, we just have an image feed thanks to a Raspberry Pi and a remarkably shitty webcam.

Flame Simulation in 2D

I am a fan of useless terminal commands. Cowsay, Figlet, and have all brought me hours of joy. But I had always dreamed of having my own fireplace in the terminal to keep me warm during those cold late-night coding sessions. Sure, I had tried a few (aafire comes to mind), but none of them ever really suited me. They all had their own problems - opening in a new window, no color, lame effect, etc. Finally, I could bear it no longer; It had been a while since I had given myself a frivolous challenge, and my cold terminal had nearly given me frostbite. There was but one option: I would build my very own fireplace. And to make it a real challenge, I would do it without any googling.